There was a time, not so long ago, when a doctor visit was convenient and personal.  He visited you in the comfort of your home.  He knew your family and your medical history.  He didn't rush you through an appointment, because he had a dozen other patients crowded in a waiting room.  The doctor was a trusted advisor. For the sophisticated client, modern medical care has become unacceptable.  Are you ready for the solution?

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Dr. Zakhari is one of the country's preeminent luxury family practice and mental health clinicians, and he is restoring luxury home health care to New York City.  Welcome to our concierge medical practice.

About Us

Dr. Zakhari's personalized medical practice restores order and peace-of-mind in today's chaotic healthcare landscape.


Become a member in the medical practice along side some of New York's most prominent residents.


Read Dr. Zakhari's blog posts.