8 things you can do to reduce your risk of infections

Why are men more likely to die of infectious disease? Men are not generally known for being consistently proactive about their health if the behavior does not involve a competition. Consider setting up a competition with a buddy as a way to hold each other accountable to these eight health promoting behaviors that could greatly improve the quality of your life, and improve your chance of surviving the next pandemic:

1.       Know your risk factors: the majority of patients who succumb to Covid 19 are in high risk categories.  Having a frank discussion with your primary care provider combined with a comprehensive health history and physical exam is the best way to know your vulnerability.  The best time to find a primary care provider and have a complete physical exam is when you are well, not when you are sick.  You can get a complete history and physical in the privacy of your own home to gain the knowledge you need without exposing yourself to a host of germs in a doctor’s waiting room.

2.       Wash your hands. This simple behavior has saved more lives over the years than any other technological advancement. Many people do not know how to wash their hands. Wetting them and wiping them on your pants is not washing. In order to properly wash your hands do the following: wet them, apply soap, work up a very good lather by vigorously rubbing them together, paying attention to your fingertips, the space between your fingers, and the palms and backs of your hand for 10 seconds, then continue to rub your hands together under the running water for another 10 seconds.  The total process should take twenty seconds.  Do this at key times during the day:

a.       Before you eat

b.       After you eat

c.       When you arrive from anywhere in which you touched a hand rail, elevator button, or door knob

d.       Before you go the bathroom, (Do you want all those germs near your nether regions?) and after you go to the bathroom

e.       After sex of any kind

f.        Once you arrive in healthcare provider’s office (while you are waiting).

g.       After coughing and sneezing (even if it is in your elbow)

3.       Nutrition: baseline proper nutrition is essential to make sure you fight of any infection. Poor nutrition limits your immune system from mounting a good defense.  I generally recommend to most patients to take a vitamin D supplement of 50,000 units once a week from September to June if they live in New York City.  I also discuss specific nutritional guidance at the annual physical exam.

4.       Sauna bathing:  while you may not be a fan of the steam room, sauna, or hot tub research shows that those who do this for at least 20 minutes three times per week are less likely to contract seasonal colds and flu including the carona virus that causes Covid 19.  Even if you don’t get to the workout at least do the executive workout. The theory is that you are causing yourself an artificial fever several times a week which makes you an inhospitable host to cold and flu germs. Just make sure you shower before and after using the sauna, steam room, or hot tub. Heat therapy boosts the production of your white blood cells making it easier for you to fight off germs. Going with a buddy is more beneficial because you get an added benefit of oxytocin which reduces stress and blood pressure.

5.       Exercise: Consistent exercise promotes circulation, lung function, muscle mass, and bone density which serves to boost your immune system. Exercise improves your ability to fight off disease.  Going with a buddy can improve the likelihood of consistency.

6.       Sex: Sexual arousal and orgasm increased the absolute number of leukocytes, in particular natural killer cells (CD3-CD16+CD56+), in the peripheral blood. This works whether you are on your own or with a partner. Just remember to wash your hands. 

7.       Massage: During cold and flu season it is worth making the time for a massage. A massage lowers the levels of molecules in your blood that cause inflammation which are associated with heart disease. Inflammatory diseases make you more vulnerable to seasonal colds and flus and less able to fight them off.

8.       Meditation: mindfulness meditation helps reduce stress and pro inflammation molecules which improve your immune system and make you more able to fight off infection.

A strong health offensive is much better than a weak defense.